Physical and Mental Health
The Physical and Mental Health Committee works diligently to educate African-American communities about health issues that most impact our longevity. While many of the committee’s activities align with the national sorority’s physical and mental health focus such as the DeltaCare initiative which promotes self-care through physical wellness, emotional wellness, and awareness/advocacy, we also focus on specific challenges that directly affect our local communities.
For example, given the impact of diabetes on communities of color in the Chicagoland area, this committee continues to partner with the American Diabetes Association to provide information and to hold events that raise awareness of this preventable disease. From participation in the annual “Step Out Walk” to the National Diabetes ID Day and the Annual Diabetes Expo, Physical and Mental Health has taken on this issue on as one of its primary activities each sorority year.
The committee has also developed programming related to lack of movement, obesity, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, domestic violence and mental health/depression. Be on the lookout for information and special programs/events on the above health initiatives
For more information, email [email protected].